Survivor Services
Support and Info
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Our Thrift Stores
What types of crimes do you help with?
Someplace Safe assists individuals who have experienced every type of crime. These include but are not limited to domestic violence, sexual assault, sexual exploitation, sex trafficking, labor trafficking, and other crimes (including stalking, elder abuse, identity theft, robbery, theft, etc.).
Who do I contact to get help after a crime?
The steps survivors can take vary by the type of crime and community they live in.
To learn more options, information, and resources for specific types of victimization, please contact:
24-hour crisis line:
During business hours:
Chat line: www.someplacesafe.info
Text line: 844-980-0169
Email: info@someplacesafe.info
What can I do if I was sexually assaulted?
- Remember this is not your fault.
- Get to safety. If you are in immediate danger, call 911. Call someone who can help. If you were assaulted by a friend or family member, tell someone you trust what happened.
- Consider medical options: You can decide to go to an emergency room to receive medical care that includes emergency contraception (if there is a risk of pregnancy), tests for sexually transmitted infections (STIs) as well as medication to prevent STIs, including HIV. This care is called a sexual assault exam. This initial exam is provided at no cost to you. During this exam, the hospital will collect evidence. This evidence may be used if you decide to report the assault to the police. **Note: Mandated reports to law enforcement are made for juvenile victims.
- Consider reporting to the police. This decision to report is yours*. It is important if you decide at some point to report the sexual assault to the police not to damage evidence that may be used during the investigation. Evidence collection will be done at a hospital during a sexual assault exam. During the exam, the medical staff collects any evidence that might be on your body.
It is requested you don’t take a shower or bath or wash off any parts of your body, don’t go to the bathroom, comb your hair, eat, smoke, drink, or take any drugs. If you change your clothes, take the clothes you were wearing during the assault with you in a paper bag.
- Find support: therapy, support or empowerment group, advocacy, and processing the experience may help you.
- Seek help. Call an advocate 24/7 at 800-974-3359 for more resources.
What are the warning signs of domestic violence/interpersonal/relationship violence?
Recognizing the warning signs of domestic violence and abusive relationships is crucial for ensuring personal safety and well-being. This list includes various forms of abuse, such as verbal abuse, isolation, control over finances and daily activities, coercive behaviors, monitoring, sexual coercion, humiliation, threat of physical harm, and manipulation tactics. By understanding these warning signs, individuals can take proactive steps to seek help, establish boundaries, and break free from the cycle of abuse.
- Verbal abuse
- Name-calling or insults
- Feeling sad or scared when spending time with your partner
- Discouraging you from seeing friends, family members
- Discouraging or preventing medical or dental care
- Preventing you from working or school
- Forcing you to work
- Controlling your finances
- Possessiveness and accusations of cheating
- Controlling what you can do
- Blaming you for their behavior or justifying their behavior.
- Monitoring what you are doing:
- Checks your phone, text, emails, or social media without your permission
- Checks your computer/tablet history
- Monitors your location on phone or other tracking devices
- Demands immediate replies to messages or scheduled check-in time
- Coerces you to have sex or engage in sexual acts when you don’t want to
- Controls or denies your access to birth control or other medications
- Decides what you wear, and eat, who your friends are or who you can see
- Humiliates you on purpose
- Damages or ruins your belongings
- Physically hurts or threatens to hurt you, your child(ren), pets, family, or friends.
- Threatens to harm or kill themselves to control you
- Threatens you, your child(ren), pets, family, or friends with a weapon
- Threatens to call the police, attorney, family, or friends to tell them something negative about you
What are ways to help a friend or yourself with domestic violence/interpersonal/relationship violence?
Supporting a friend or yourself who is experiencing domestic violence or interpersonal/relationship violence requires a thoughtful and sensitive approach.
Here are some ways you can provide assistance:
- Listen. Believe them. Don’t pass judgment or blame. The blame is on the perpetrator, not the victims.
- Validating the abuse is wrong.
- Let them know you are there for them no matter what.
- Ask what you can do to help.
- Share information and resources.
- Let them know you are concerned for their safety.
- Thank them for trusting you enough to share.
- Let them feel in control and allow them to make choices.
- Safety plan with them. This may include providing a secure place for important documents, a bag of clothing and necessities for them and/or their child(ren).
- Encourage them to get help from an advocacy program.
- Don’t pressure them.
- Take care of yourself.
Trafficking and Exploitation
Who Qualifies for Services?
Individuals who have experienced labor trafficking regardless of age. Individuals who have been victims of sex trafficking, sexually exploited youth (up to age 24) or those who are at risk for trafficking and exploitation. Survivors can be referred to services by the people in their lives.
What do trafficking and exploitation services look like?
Services vary depending on the needs of individuals but can include: legal advocacy; assistance with housing, employment, and basic needs; individual and group support; and education.
How can we connect with Safe Harbor for training, support, or services?
Labor Trafficking
Toll Free: 1-800-974-3359
If you would like information or services, call: 320-270-3009
Email: labor.trafficking@someplacesafe.info
Sex Trafficking or those at risk of sex trafficking
Toll Free: 1-800-974-3359
If you would like information or services (call or text): 218-770-4256
Email: safeharboradvocate@someplacesafe.info
Regional Navigator
Phone: 218-739-3486 ext. 774
Email: navigator@someplacesafe.info
Parenting Time Centers
Do families need a court order to utilize services?
Although services may be court-ordered, this is not mandatory. Parties can both agree to use the Parenting Time Center voluntarily. However, a court order may become necessary if both parties do not voluntarily agree to use the services.
What are the benefits of supervised exchanges?
Exchanges offer numerous advantages, including a no-contact policy that safeguards all parties involved. They provide a secure and neutral location for exchanges, ensuring the safety and well-being of everyone. With set and consistent exchange times, there is predictability and stability for both parents and children. Additionally, meticulous documentation of all exchanges further enhances accountability. Most importantly, exchanges facilitate smooth transitions for children, eliminating the potential conflicts that may arise in unsafe or uncertain environments.
What are the benefits of supervised visitation?
Supervised parenting time offers several advantages. It provides children with the opportunity to spend meaningful time with a noncustodial participant in a secure setting. Trained staff meticulously record all interactions without bias, ensuring accurate documentation. Additionally, Parenting Time Center establishes a structured visitation schedule for the child and participant, promoting consistency and predictability. These centers also provide a range of toys and activities that facilitate positive engagement and nurture the relationship between the child and the participant.
What will participants and children do while at the Parenting Time Center?
A variety of toys, games, books, and videos are available for use while families are at the center to help make their time there comfortable and fun. For supervised parenting time, depending on the arrangements of a visit, participants may be able to provide and enjoy snacks or meals during visits as well. This time is meant for participants to interact and connect with their children, and Parenting Time Center staff encourages this.
Thrift Stores
Where are your thrift stores located, and what are their hours?
Alexandria Thrift Store
690 Voyager Drive, Suite 106
Phone: 320-763-4677
Monday – Friday
9:00 am – 6:00 pm
Saturday & Sunday
10:00 am – 4:00 pm
Donations are accepted at the Alexandria Thrift Store locations from 9 am to 5 pm Monday through Friday and from 11 am to 3 pm on Saturdays.
Fergus Falls Thrift Store
204 West Cavour
Monday – Friday
9:00 am – 6:00 pm
Saturday & Sunday
10:00 am – 5:00 pm
Donations are accepted at the Fergus Falls thrift store location from 9 am to 5:00 pm Monday through Friday and 11 am to 4 pm on Saturdays.
Morris Thrift Store
708 Atlantic Avenue
Monday – Friday
9:00 am – 5:00 pm
Saturday 10:00 am- 4:00 pm
Donations are accepted at the Morris thrift store location from 9 am to 5 pm Monday through Friday and 10 am to 4 pm on Saturdays.
What items do you take for donations?
- Bedding & Linens
- Books, Movies, & Music
- Clothing
- Furniture
- Household décor
- Small household appliances
- Jewelry & accessories
- Kitchen Items
- Season Items
- Toys
- Games
- Sporting goods
- Crafts
The Stores are unable to take:
- Items that are broken, stained, have holes, or tears, have been wet, or have mildew.
- Weapons
- Textbooks/ encyclopedias
- Mattresses
- Exercise equipment prior to 2010
- Sleeper sofa
- Large appliances
- Household chemicals
- Televisions, computers, or printers
- Baby furniture/equipment
Do you accept volunteer help, and how can I get started?
Volunteers and community members like you play a vital role in the operation of Someplace Safe stores. Each store offers diverse opportunities that cater to your interests and availability. Get in touch with any of our stores to explore further or simply fill out and submit the volunteer application form. Join us in making a difference in the community!