New Funding Provides Expanded Services to Address Labor Trafficking Locally

Someplace Safe was recently awarded grant funding to offer supportive services to community members who are experiencing labor trafficking. Labor trafficking occurs in many different settings, including farms, factories, restaurants and the hospitality industry, and in private homes. Individuals experiencing labor trafficking can be US citizens or can be working in the US on legal work visas. Examples of labor trafficking include involuntary servitude where someone is forced to work against their will and debt bondage, when an individual works to pay off real or unknown debts, with undefined debts and timelines in which the debts are never resolved.

Someplace Safe labor trafficking services are available for survivors of labor trafficking across the nine-county service area, and include safety planning, assisting with housing and basic needs, connecting with legal and immigration services, and general support. A regional labor trafficking advocate will also provide education and information on referrals to community partners and professionals in the Someplace Safe region. Someplace Safe is a part of a statewide network of providers offering assistance such as advocacy and legal representation for survivors of labor trafficking.

For more information on labor trafficking and Someplace Safe’s efforts to support individuals who may be experiencing this, please reach out to Anne LaFrinier-Ritchie, West Central Safe Harbor Regional Navigator, at or 320-979-9481.

For more information on Minnesota’s statewide response to labor trafficking, please visit the Minnesota Department of Health’s Safe Harbor website.

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